Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Everything Happens For a Reason

Everything happens for a reason. I've heard this saying countless times and it's still hard to fathom the thought. Through every situation comes reason. The well thought out question, why. Why do things happen? What is the main cause in which bad and or good things happen? Do we as individuals view these situations in a negative sense or do we view them in a positive light? And in doing so, does this cause an obscured view, steering away from the main focal point? 
    To question a cause for reaction is quite common and in doing so, can be an open invitation for doubt. Instead of allowing nature to take its course, we create the "what if" factor. One in which we are accustomed to portraying. What if I had done this differently? Or, "what if I had said this instead?" It is our curiosity to question reason, but in fact can envoke a cloudy mindset. Though we'd like to believe our conscience actions play a major role in each occurrence, it is only but a small part to contribute. But also one can relate conscience desires for a positive outcome to whats called, "Law of Attraction," which simply says that you attract into your life whatever you think about. That your dominant thoughts will find a way to manifest. This inference can be related but in a different sense.
     I view the reasons that cause an outcome to be simply out of our hands. We can relate the cause to acts leading up to conclusion using hypothesis based notions but the main reason will never be made clear. We are affected differently through our thought process by how each situation is played out.
     A negative outcome to a situation, in most cases causes a negative reaction. One in which makes the cause of events purely dissatisfying to ones self. Where is the light at the end of this never ending, dark tunnel? A question made so intangible to reason leaving paralyzing doubt left undiscovered. 
     For example, your best friend was involved in a head on collision traffic accident resulting in his or her life to be cut short. This leaving you in a state of utter shock and confusion as to why this has happened. A feeling so reprehensible that you begin to ask yourself the "what if's." What if he or she decided to take a different route? If you had called him or her at the time of travel, causing a distraction resulting in a delay in reaching the destination, would this not have happened? But the pressing question in which almost always flashes first in our mind is, why did this happen? What was the reason for it? And we will never receive the reason no matter how compelling the argument. It is simply and completely out of our hands.
     Aside from the negative comes the positive side of an occurrence. This outcome almost always receives a positive reaction seeing as how this kind of conclusion makes it impervious to negativity. For it seems to work in your favor and/or another's. A "what if" conjecture is definately relevant for question but you seem to lean more towards wondering in how this came about. Bringing back the interpretation of "Law of Attraction" and how it might play a part in the matter. Could it be an, "ask and you shall receive" kind of thing? It could very well be inferential to such events. 
     For example, your car has been having quite the array of issues these days. As the saying goes, "if it's not one thing, it's always another." For all things holy, at least the radio is functioning normally! (knock on wood) On your way to work one morning, listening to your favorite radio station as you always do, they announce your chance to win various prizes if you are the ninth caller! After countless times of this announcement always causing an annoyance to you, following the demand for the next song to be played, you think, what the hell? and decide to dial in. Not thinking twice about anyone actually answering the phone, sure enough! they do. And you happen to be the ninth caller. If that wasn't enough, the prize to win just so happens to be a brand new car! In complete astonishment, you nearly run yours right off the road. Seeing as how it's a piece of junk anyway and totaling the thing wouldn't make much of a difference from it's original appearance, you might want to be in good condition to be capable of driving the upgrade. 
    This example might be a bit brighter on the color spectrum than most positive occurrences but it paints quite a colorful picture pertaining to a good conclusion. You feel as though fate stepped in right in the knick of time seeing as how your car lacked there of. A wonder in how such luck became so incognito. A reason in which will never be fully understood for the simple fact that no premeditated thought or excogitated action you display will determine winning the lottery. 
     There is always an underlining meaning to which specific reasoning is the cause to each occurrence. We will always give way to our minds natural curiosity. Everyone is entitled to seek opinions, analyze credibility, leave an answer up to chance and/or keep a habitual stance on true beliefs. There is no right or wrong way of thinking. There is no limitations or ending point in which the imagination reaches before it can go no further. But bear in mind, there is always reasons in which have been made impossible for explanation. And a reason, though never quite fully understood, is always behind everything.